会社ロゴ Better Health Through Science

Targeted Medical Foods
Pulmonaは、肺高血圧症の血圧を下げ、ぜんそく(喘息)の気管支痙攣を軽減するために、肺の中で神経伝達物質の一酸化窒素とアセチルコリンを増産させる目的で、前駆物質のアルギニンとコリンを供給するように設計された メディカルフード(健康食品)です。

Medical Food/ メディカルフード
Pulmona is a Medical Food formulated to be used by physicians to aid their patients in promoting nitric oxide in the bronchi and the pulmonary arteries. Pulmona is designed to reduce pulmonary artery pressure in the presence of pulmonary hypertension and reduce bronchospasm in the presence of asthma. Under the regulations of the Food and Drug Administration, Medical Foods can only be used when a patient is under the ongoing care of a physician. Medical Foods are used for the treatment of disease states with known nutritional deficiencies. Medical Foods must contain ingredients from the human diet. Medical Foods cannot be sold directly to patients without physician supervision.
Indications for Use
  1. 肺の動脈圧が上がった場合
  2. 肺高血圧症
  3. 気管支痙攣
  4. 喘息
  1. Increased pulmonary artery pressure
  2. Pulmonary hypertension
  3. Bronchospasm
  4. Asthma

Neurotransmitter Production in the Human Body by Pulmona
  1. アルギニンは一酸化窒素を生産します
  2. コリンはアセチルコリンを生産します
  3. グルタミンはグルタミン酸を生産します
  1. Arginine produces nitric oxide
  2. Choline produces acetylcholine
  3. Glutamine produces glutamate
Ingredients: Arginine,choline bitartrate, glutamine, Hawthorn Berry, caffeine, cinnamon, histadine, Ginkgo Biloba and cocoa.

Targeted Cellular Technology
TCT, or Targeted Cellular Technology, allows milligram quantities of neurotransmitter precursors to enter the cell to produce a specific neurotransmitter to achieve therapeutic effects. The TCT method includes a neurotransmitter precursor, an uptake stimulator, a neuron activator, an adenosine brake inhibitor, and attenuation releaser. Previous attempts to use neurotransmitter precursors have either required gram quantities to elicit therapeutic effects or the effects rapidly attenuated leading to tolerance.

Targeted Cellular Technology and Pulmona
Pulmona is designed to produce the neurotransmitters nitric oxide and acetylcholine. Nitric oxide is the neurotransmitter that initiates dilates pulmonary arteries in the presence of pulmonary hypertension and dilates bronchi in the presence of bronchoconstriction.. Acetylcholine is the neurotransmitter that facilitates the action of nitric oxide on pulmonary arteries and bronchi. Pulmona is designed to provide the nitric oxide precursor arginine and the acetylcholine precursor choline to enhance the production of the nitric oxide and acetylcholine neurotransmitters in the lung.

Pulmona and Clinical Testing
Physiologic testing of nitric oxide function has been performed on individuals taking Pulmona. Patients with pulmonary hypertension have increased pulmonary artery pressures. Patients with asthma have decreased pulmonary flow rates as measured by FEV1. Pulmona reduces pulmonary artery pressure as measured by right heart catheterization in patients with pulmonary hypertension. Pulmona increases FEV1 as measured by spirometry in patients with asthma. Pulmona reduces the incidence of cough in patients with exercise induced asthma and patients with environmentally induced bronchospasm

Sleep Disorders and Nutritional Deficiency
Pulmonary hypertension is associated with a deficiency of arginine and nitric oxide precursors. Asthma is associated with inadequate nitric oxide production and a deficiency of arginine.

Pulmona Dosage
Pulmona is taken three times per day. An additional dose of Pulmona can be used if shortness of breath continues.

Pulmona and Drugs
In patients taking pharmaceutical agents to treat pulmonary hypertension or asthma, it is suggested that the medication dosage should be maintianed. Pulmona should be added and clinical state monitored. In patients with pulmonary hypertension shortness of breath should be monitored. In patients with asthma, both shortness of breath and FEV1 should be monitored.

Side Effects
The side effect profile of Pulmona is comparable to the rate of food intolerance in the community. The ingredients of Pulmona are derived from plant-based compounds found in the normal food chain. Food intolerance is an adverse reaction to food that does not involve the body's immune system. These reactions are called "pharmacologic reactions" because the culprit substances behave like drugs, possibly acting on the nervous system. In adults, this reaction is far more common than true food allergy and is relatively rare in its rate of occurrence. Hypotension has not been associated with Pulmona




  1. それぞれのアミノ酸前駆物質 
  2. 神経伝達物質に変換させる前駆物質を吸収させる刺激剤 
  3. ココアのようなアデノシン拮抗剤は、ニューロンを抑制しないために加えられます。
  4. 特定の神経伝達物質を放出する為のニューロンへの刺激 
  5. システムは、前駆物質への反応が弱まるのを防ぐために使用されます。

Pulmona は、この5-コンポーネントシステムによって構成されます。

Pulmona contains a formula blend of selected GRAS (generally regarded as safe) ingredients that come from the normal human food chain. The primary ingredients are key amino acids, the building blocks of proteins. The Pulmona formula is designed to increase the function of the neurotransmitters nitric oxide and acetylcholine. The Pulmona formula is based on a five-component patent pending process. The patent pending process provides for a five-component system to allow for the conversion of a precursor into a neurotransmitter. The five component system includes: (1) an amino acid precursor for each (2) stimulation of the uptake of the precursor to initiate the conversion into a neurotransmitter, (3) an adenosine antagonist such as cocoa powder is added to disinhibit the neuron, (4) stimulation of neurons to release a specific neurotransmitter, and (5) a system must be used to prevent attenuation of the response, to the precursor. Pulmona has been formulated with this five-component system. The Pulmona formula targets the neurotransmitters nitric oxide, and acetylcholine.
Pulmona is designed to produce two neurotransmitters including: nitric oxide and acetylcholine. These two neurotransmitters are involved in pulmonary hypertension(1-35) (36-63)and asthma(64-107). Normal pulmonary arteries do not significantly respond to nitric oxide while constricted pulmonary arteries in pulmonary hypertension dilate in response to nitric oxide. Nitric oxide production is increased by the inflammation associated with asthma. Importantly, however, certain sites of nitric oxide production are reduced in asthma inducing broncoconstriction. Inhalation of nitric oxide or production of iNOS induced nitric oxide induces bronchdilitation in diseased lungs. Acetylcholine potentiates the activity of nitric oxide in the lung(108-131) .
Pulmona is designed to produce neurotransmitters that initiate vasodilitation in pulmonary hypertension and bronchodilation in asthma. In the Pulmona formulation, arginine is used as the precursor to nitric oxide and choline is used as a precursor to acetylcholine.
  • ギンコ葉は前駆物質の神経細胞への吸収を高める刺激物質として使われます。
  • シナモンも前駆物質の神経細胞への吸収を高める刺激物質として使われます。
  • グルタミンは、神経伝達物質を放出する為のグルタミン酸を生産するために使われます。
  • ココアとカフェインは、神経細胞を活性化する物質として使われます。
  • ポリフェノールを含むホーソーンベリーは、神経伝達物質の前駆物質への反応が弱まるのを防ぐ物質として使われます。
In the Pulmona formula, ginkgo biloba is used as an uptake stimulator(132-137). In addition, cinnamon is used as an uptake stimulator. Glutamine is used to produce glutamate, to stimulate neurotransmitter release (138-169). Cocoa and caffeine are used to disinhibit the adenosine break(170-180) (181-184). Hawthorn Berry, containing polyphenols(185-188), is used to prevent the attenuation usually associated with neurotransmitter precursor administration.
Nitric oxide has little effect on pulmonary arteries when pulmonary artery pressure is in the normal range. In the presence of increased pulmonary artery pressure, nitric oxide serves to provide pulmonary artery vasodilation. Nitric oxide is a selective pulmonary artery dilator in the presence of pulmonary hypertension.
Nitric oxide in exhaled air (eNO) is elevated in allergic asthma compared with healthy subjects and has been proposed as a marker of bronchial inflammation. Nitric oxide is endogenously released in the airways after synthesis from arginine induced by the enzyme nitric oxide synthase (NOS). Functionally, three isoforms of this enzyme exist: neuronal, constitutive and inducible. The nitric oxide produced from neuronal and constitutive NOS seems to protect airways from excessive bronchoconstriction while the inducible form of NOS has a modulatory role in inflammatory disorders of the airways such as asthma and is a marker for the inflammation process. Thus, the role of lung produced nitric oxide is complex and reflects both the bronchodilation of constricted bronchi and the role of nitric oxide as a marker of inflammation.
Nitric oxide has little role in modulating basal airway tone in either normal subjects or pateints with asthma.

The scientific information in this journal is educational and is not be used as a substitute for a doctor's care or for proven therapy.
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