会社ロゴ Better Health Through Science

Targeted Medical Foods
Sentra AM

Sentra AMは脳と自律神経系でアセチルコリンの合成を増進させるように設計されています。また、Sentra AMは精神的な高揚、認識機能、自律神経系機能が向上するように設計されています。自律神経系機能は記憶、精神的な鋭敏さ、睡眠、体温調整、筋肉の働き、血圧、心拍、食欲をコントロールしています。特に副交感神経の活動の減退は慢性疲労、筋肉の痙攣、筋肉の整合の欠如、記憶障害、集中力の欠如、多汗症を引き起こします。Sentra AMはスモッグなどの環境汚染物質が精神的な鋭敏さや集中力に及ぼす悪い効果を改善することが示されています。Sentra AMにはアセチルコリンの前駆物質、神経伝達物質の刺激剤のグルタメイトとアデノシン抑制成分が含まれています。
Sentra AM is designed to increase acetylcholine production in the brain and autonomic nervous system. Sentra AM is designed to increase mental arousal, cognitive function, and improve autonomic nervous system function. Autonomic nervous system function controls memory, mental acuity, sleep, temperature regulation, muscle performance, blood pressure, heart rate, and appetite. Reduced parasympathetic activity is associated with generalized chronic fatigue, muscle tremors, lack of muscle coordination, altered memory, inability to concentrate and excessive sweating. Sentra AM has been shown to ameliorate the effects of environmental pollutants, such as smog, on mental acuity and ability to concentrate. Sentra AM contains acetylcholine precursors along with the stimulatory neurotransmitter glutamate and adenosine inhibitors.

Neurotransmitters and brain function
Acetylcholine is the primary chemical messenger or neurotransmitter in the brain(1-15). Acetylcholine controls both short and long-term memory through its action on the hippocampus, the memory center of the brain(16-38). Acetylcholine is intimately involved in all areas of the brain and is the primary neurotransmitter controlling muscle function(39-80). Acetylcholine controls muscle coordination through its action in the cerebellum where it is the primary neurotransmitter. The reduction of acetylcholine concentration in nerve cells will affect multiple brain centers. Acetylcholine production is directly related to the availability of choline.

Acetylcholine and Peripheral Muscle Function
Initiation of muscle contraction depends on the release of acetylcholine from nerve cells that initiate muscle contraction. Reduced acetylcholine release by peripheral neurons results in reduced force of muscle contraction, and this in turn causes fatigue, reduced muscle performance, and reduced muscle coordination.

Acetylcholine and Mental Arousal
Activation of acetylcholine in the brain cortex is necessary for brain arousal, mental acuity and concentration(81-89). When the brain shifts from quiet wakefulness to mental alertness to solve problems, there is an acute activation and release of acetylcholine. This production of acetylcholine is necessary for concentration, attention, and problem solving.

Acetylcholine and Environmental Toxins
殺虫剤、スモッグ、空気伝達の分子など多くの環境毒物は、アセチルコリンとコリンをリサイクルさせるアセチルコリンエステラーゼ酵素の両方を攻撃することによって、自律神経系にダメージを与え、その機能を変質させる原因になります。加えて、化学兵器になりうる多くの物質の一つに神経ガスがあり、それはアセチルコリンとアセチルコリンエステラーゼを変質させてしまう機能があります。このアセチルコリンシステムへのダメージは脳のコリンとグルタミン酸システムの枯渇をもたらします。こうした影響を受けた人々は、アセチルコリンの枯渇に伴う症状(記憶障害、認識障害、慢性疲労、体温の調整障害、睡眠障害、性機能障害)を経験します。Sentra AMは脳や末梢神経で空になったアセチルコリンを補充するようにデザインされています。
Many environmental toxins such as pesticides(90-94), smog(95-99), and airborne particles(100) cause damage to the autonomic nervous system and alter autonomic nervous system function, attacking both acetylcholine and the enzyme acetylcholinesterase that scavenges choline allowing its recycling. In addition, many of the agents that may become chemical weapons are nerve gases that function by altering the acetylcholine and acetylcholine esterase systems(101-104). This damage to the acetylcholine systems results in depletion of the choline and glutamate systems in the brain(105-119). Affected individuals experience functional symptoms related to acetylcholine deficiency, including memory disorders, cognitive disorders, chronic fatigue, body temperature dysregulation, sleep disorders, and sexual dysfunction. The Sentra AM product is designed to replace the depleted acetylcholine components in the brain and peripheral neurons.
事故によって化学物質が放出して、その結果神経毒物に曝されてしまった患者に対して、我々は3年間に及ぶSentra AM およびPMの臨床経験があります。Sentra AM&PMによる治療の後、症候的な機能の回復と自律神経障害の症状の回復が見られました。
We have a three-year clinical experience with the Sentra products in patients who were exposed to neurotoxins from an accidental chemical release. These patients have shown improved symptomatic function and reduced signs of autonomic dysfunction after treatment.
FDA(米国食品医薬品局)はオーファンドラッグ法のもと、Sentra AM&PM(以降Sentra)を他の薬とのコンビネーションで、工業事故によってホスゲンやナイトロジェンマスタードに曝された人の治療に使用することに対してIND(治験新薬申請)を認可しました。Sentraの一番重要な成分はコリンです。コリンは人間の脳の機能を向上させる働きがあるという効能をうたうことをFDAによって認められています。コリンは記憶、(特にストレス中の)認識機能、筋力を向上させるということが知られています。
The FDA has approved an IND under the Orphan Drug Act to allow the use of Sentra, in combination with another agent in humans who were exposed to phosgene and nitrogen mustard during an industrial accident. A major ingredient in Sentra is choline. Choline has been approved by the FDA with the general health claim that choline improves human brain function. Choline is known to improve memory, cognitive functioning particularly during stress, and muscle strength.

Sentra-Unique Properties/ Sentraシリーズの特異性
Sentra is a unique oral formulation that activates the neurotransmitters that have been depleted after exposure to toxic substances.
Sentra has been developed over the last 7 years and patients taking this agent have undergone extensive physiologic testing and over a three year period. Sentra incorporates a patent pending, five-component system including neurotransmitter precursors, precursor uptake stimulation, neuron activation, and release of a brake on a specific neuron function. The formulation produces acetylcholine, serotonin, and nitric oxide in sufficient concentrations to elicit a physiologic effect. Elimination of any of the five components of the system results in loss of physiologic effect. For example, administration of choline alone will not elicit the same response.
Sentra is designed to augment rather than replace existing therapies. For example, Sentra can be administered with either atropine or pyridostigmine.
The relative proportions of the components in Sentra have been determined utilizing proprietary testing of autonomic nervous system function that allows for indirect measurement of neurotransmitter production in humans.
Sentra is administered orally and is given twice daily. The dose can be increased when there is a known chemical exposure.
Sentra has a long shelf life and can be exposed to extremes of heat and cold.

Nerve Gases-VX and Sarin/ 神経ガス_VXとサリン
The defect induced by exposure to the nerve gas class including VX and Sarin is inhibition of acetylcholinesterase with depletion of intracellular choline and acetyl groups.
Sentra provides both choline and acetyl groups in a formulation that activates uptake.
Sentra activates the NDMA receptor that allows function of neurons with damaged acetylcholine function.
Sentra enters the brain where current treatment agents such as pyridostigmine cannot enter because of the blood-brain barrier.
Evidence exists that in battlefield participants, the defect associated with VX and Sarin is reduced choline in key brain cells

Cyanide (CN)/ シアン化物
The defect induced by CN is inhibition of NDMA receptor and Heme containing molecules such as hemoglobin in the blood. This exposure leads to respiratory and heart damage that will lead to death unless treated.
Sentra provides glutamate to activate NDMA receptors to produce nitric oxide that protects against CN.
Sentra provides glutamate to compete with CN for NDMA sites until the CN is destroyed in the blood.
CN activates the sympathetic nervous system while Sentra activates parasympathetic nervous system to modulate cardiac damage induced by CN.
Sentra provides choline and acetyl groups to minimize the CN damage to energy systems.
Sentra increases nitric oxide by activating the NDMA receptor. Nitric oxide directly competes with CN on the NDMA receptor. The nitric oxide on the receptor protects it while the CN is destroyed in the blood.

Pesticides/ 殺虫剤
The defect induced by organophosphate pesticides is the inhibition of acetylcholinesterase with depletion of intracellular choline and acetyl groups that leads to memory defects, difficulty breathing, and muscle weakness.
Sentra activates the NDMA receptor that allows function of neurons with damaged acetylcholine function to repair memory, muscle strength, and lung damage.
Sentra enters the brain where other treatments do not.

Nitrogen Dioxide- NO2-Smog/ 二酸化炭素_スモッグ
Concentrations of NO2 are elevated compared to normal under conditions of visible smog, particularly in the presence of combustible coal burning fuels. The increase in concentration can be 500 to 1000 times normal in the air during visible smog.
The defect induced by ambient NO2 is inhibition of NDMA receptors and reduced choline containing neuronsム A recent University of Texas double blind matched control study proved the defect induced by NO2 using PET and Spectral MRI imaging in humans.
Sentra provides both choline and glutamate to the damage induced by NO2 to the NDMA receptors.
Three year human experience shows that Sentra can reverse symptoms and repair autonomic defect induced by high concentration of NO2.

Phosgene/Nitrogen Mustard
The defect induced by phosgene is parasympathetic nervous system dysfunction. Recent experience with exposure to phosgene in Louisiana in year 2000 using testing of parasympathetic function to assess defect induced by phosgene.
Sentra provides choline and acetyl groups to minimize defect to the parasympathetic nervous system thus preventing memory loss, breathing difficulty, and muscle weakness
最近FDA INDはホスゲンに曝された場合の治療にSentraを使用することを認可しました。
(FDA IND=食品薬品局、新薬調査制度)
Recent FDA IND approval for the use of Sentra to treat phosgene exposure.

Side Effects of Sentra/ Sentraの副作用
In a three year human clinical experience there are no know side effects of Sentra
Patients exposed to neurotoxins have reduced symptoms and improved parasympathetic function when treated with Sentra. Parasympathetic function has been measured objectively
Sentra does not cause reduced mental alertness as other treatments do

Potential Benefits of Choline Administration in Environmental toxicity
FDA has approved a health claim for choline of improved memory, alertness and brain function
Choline has known beneficial effects on memory, muscle strength, visual acuity and alertness
In conjunction with Dr. Robert Haley, at the University of Texas, Southwestern we have been examining two groups of patients who had suffered environmental exposures. The first exposed group of subjects included members of the military who were exposed to a number of chemical agents during the Persian Gulf War. The agents were thought to include low levels of nerve gas, as well as heavy air pollution from oil fires.
As described in the attachments, along with Dr. Haley, we have extensively studied patients exposed to nerve gas agents at a weapons dumpsite in Southern Iraq in 1991. As control subjects we have examined members of the same group who were either not in the Gulf or were not at the dumpsite. These exposed subjects experienced the symptoms of acetylcholine deficiency including sleep disorders, cognitive disorders, memory disorders, muscle weakness, chronic fatigue, and lack of muscle coordination. In addition, these patients have frequent infections, also a sign of parasympathetic dysfunction. These patients have visual brain defects as measured by SPECT scan and have reduced brain choline concentration as measured by spectral MRI.
In 1995, there was a large accidental chemical release of nitrogen tetroxide after a rail car explosion. N2O4 is also used as rocket fuel in both the American Shuttle and the Scud rockets. When nitrogen tetroxide is exposed to air it breaks down to nitrogen dioxide, a major constituent of smog. We have studied this large industrial exposure as a model for human smog exposure. The people exposed to the nitrogen dioxide experience the symptoms associated with acetylcholine deficiency including cognitive disorders, memory disorders, sleep disorders, muscle tremors, muscle weakness, lack of coordination, and chronic fatigue.
We have recently completed an extensive evaluation of some of the patients who were victims of the NO4 release. Objective physiological testing included quantitative audio vestibular testing of cranial nerve function, positron imaging (PET scanning) and spectral MRI imaging of choline and glutamate concentrations in the brain. The control group included individuals who were not in the city at the time of the exposure but lived near the plant both before and after the large exposure to nitrogen dioxide.
The PET scans were abnormal showing significant areas of increased blood flow in several areas of the brain in the exposed subjects. These areas included the hypothalamus, the thalamus, the tracts leading from the cortex to the cerebellum, and the midbrain in the region of the 9th and 10th cranial nerves. These are the types of lesions that are precursors to early cell death and harbingers of early cognitive and motor disorders.
The following images demonstrate the areas of the brain most affected by exposure to environmental toxins.

Improved Parasympathetic Function in Diabetics
スペクトルMRI が示すように、グルタミン酸とコリンの濃度の減少が見られます。
When the spectral MRIs were performed, the analysis showed reduced glutamate and
choline concentrations.
我々は2年以上にわたった患者を使ったSentra のオープンラベルスタディー(製品を公表して行う実験)を指揮してきました。我々は効果を評価する為に症候と客観的なテスト方法を用いました。Sentraの効果をテストする為に高解像度の24時間ECG心拍記録装置を使用しました。心拍のスペクトル分析の高周波数帯は副交感神経アセチルコリン依存機能を明確にします。治療を受けている患者のHFバンドを治療の前と定期的に後にも測定をいたしました。我々は患者のSentra製品に対する徴候を示す反応を発見しました。副交感神経機能の向上を示すHFバンドに顕著な上昇が見られました。
We have been conducting an open label study of Sentra in these patients for more than two years. We have been using both symptoms and objective testing methodologies to assess efficacy. To test efficacy we have used high-resolution 24-hour ECG recordings of heart rate variability as the end point. The high frequency band of the spectral analysis of heart rate is specific for parasympathetic acetylcholine dependent function. In the treated patients we measure the HF band before and periodically after treatment. We have found that the patients respond symptomatically to the Sentra products. There is a significant increase in the HF band indicating increased parasympathetic function

The reorder rate of the Sentra products for these patients has been greater than 70%. Patients have reported that they have been able to regularize their sleep patterns, improve memory and cognitive function, reduce fatigue, and increase muscle strength and coordination.

Sentra and Diabetes Mellitus/ Sentraと糖尿病
Deficit in acetylcholine metabolism occurs in diabetes mellitus. Before the symptomatic onset of neuropathy, diabetics experience autonomic dysfunction as measured by reduced HF band on Heart Rate Variability testing. This is an objective testing methodology that measures parasympathetic function. We have treated a limited number of diabetics with Sentra. They have responded by resolution of the early symptoms of diabetic neuropathy. They have also normalized their HF parasympathetic function. There is no known preventative treatment for diabetic neuropathy.

Choline and Health Claims/ コリンと健康に対する効能・効果
The FDA has approved a health claim for choline. Choline can be used to improve human memory and cognitive function.

Sentra and Alzheimer's Disease/ Sentraとアルツハイマー
Alzheimerユs disease is characterized by reduced choline and glutamate concentrations in the brain(120-137). Pharmacologic treatment of Alzheimerユs disease is directed toward inhibiting acetylcholinesterase in order to increase acetylcholine availability. Sentra has not yet been tested in patients with Alzheimerユs disease.

Sentra and the FDA/ SentraとFDA
ターゲットメディカルフードはOrphan Drug Actにおいて、 Sentraの研究で単体として、またピラセタムとのコンビネーションで環境毒性に伴う副交感神経活動低下の治療にIND(新薬申請用試験)の認可を受けました。
Targeted Medical Foods has an approved IND, issued under the Orphan Drug Act, to study Sentra, alone and in combination with piracetam, for treatment of reduced parasympathetic activity associated with certain environmental toxins.

Sentra Functional Attributes/ Sentraの機能上の属性
Sentar AMは神経活性化物質のグルタミン酸と共にアセチルコリンの前駆物質、コリン、アセチルグループが含まれています。Sentaは副交感神経機能を向上させ、心拍を抑え、血圧を下げます。
Sentra AM contains the precursors to acetylcholine, choline and acetyl groups along with the neuron activator glutamate. Sentra improves parasympathetic function, reduces heart rate and reduces blood pressure.

The scientific information in this journal is educational and is not be used as a substitute for a doctor's care or for proven therapy.
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