会社ロゴ Better Health Through Science

Targeted Medical Foods
Theramineは、神経伝達物質の作用で、痛みや炎症を鎮めるように設計された メディカルフード(健康補助食品)です 。セロトニン、 GABA(ギャバ)、およびアセチルコリンはニューロンの興奮を抑制し、セリンはオピオイドレセプターのGタンパク質を抑制します。一酸化窒素は痛みに対して二重の影響を及ぼします。 線維筋痛症 ( Fibromyalgia)に対する効果が実証されています。

Medical Food
Theramine is a Medical Food formulated to be used by physicians to aid their patients in relieving pain and inflammation. Under the regulations of the Food and Drug Administration, Medical Foods can only be used when a patient is under the ongoing care of a physician. Medical Foods are used for the treatment of disease states with known nutritional deficiencies. Medical Foods must contain ingredients from the human diet. Medical Foods cannot be sold directly to patients without physician supervision.

Indications for Use/ 具体的症状
  • Acute pain / 鋭い痛み
  • Chronic pain / 慢性的な痛み
  • Fibromyalgia / 繊維筋痛症
  • Neuropathic pain / 神経障害による痛み
  • Inflammatory pain / 炎症性の痛み

Neurotransmitter Alteration in the Human Body by Theramine
  1. コリンはNMDAレセプターを抑制するために、アセチルコリンを生産します
  2. 5-HTPは、神経細胞から苦痛シグナルを減少させ、調整するセロトニンを生産します
  3. アルギニンは神経障害的苦痛を抑制するために一酸化窒素を生産します
  4. GABAはGABAergicニューロンを抑制します
  5. セリンは苦痛ニューロンのG-タンパク質サイクルを抑制します
  6. プロスタグランジンによってもたらされる興奮を抑制するために、ヒスチジンは糖質コルチコイドの生産を促進します
  7. グルタミンはニューロンの興奮を抑制します
  1. Choline produces acetylcholine to inhibit NMDA receptors
  2. 5-hydroxytryptophan produces serotonin which reduces and modulates the pain signals from nerve cells
  3. Arginine produces nitric oxide to inhibit neuropathic pain
  4. GABA inhibits gabaergic receptors
  5. Serine inhibits the g-protein cycles of pain neurons
  6. Histidine promotes glucocorticoid production to inhibit prostaglandin mediated inflammation
  7. Glutamine inhibits neuron firing
Ingredients:Choline bitartrate, glutamic acid, 5-hydroxytryptophan, L-serine, L-arginine, cinnamon, GABA, grape seed extract, and cocoa.

NTargeted Cellular Technology
This patent pending technology has been developed to allow milligram quantities of neurotransmitter precursors to enhance therapeutic effects of neurotransmitters. The TCT method includes a neurotransmitter precursor, an uptake stimulator, a neuron activator, an adenosine brake inhibitor, and attenuation releaser. Previous attempts to use neurotransmitter precursors have required very large gram quantities to elicit a therapeutic benefit. These large quantities of the precursors may not be well tolerated by patients when taken orally. Administration of neurotransmitter precursors without TCT technology produces rapid attenuation effects or tolerance. The technology used in the Theramine product is used to inhibit pain neurons and reduce inflammation.

Pain Production and Modulation/ 痛みの発生と調整
Pain is a complex process involving local receptors, transmission to the spinal cord, transmission to the brain and multiple brain centers.
A number of neurotransmitters participate in the initiation and perception of pain at multiple synapses.
A key insight into pain is the Gate Control Theory introduced by Patrick Wall and Ronald Melzack in 1965. This theory states that pain is a function of the balance between the information traveling into the spinal cord through large nerve fibers and information traveling into the spinal cord through small nerve fibers. Large nerve fibers carry non-nociceptive information and small nerve fibers carry nociceptive information. If the relative amount of activity is greater in large nerve fibers, there should be little or no pain. However, if there is more activity in small nerve fibers, then there will be pain.
In addition, as pointed out by Celsus of Rome in the second century AD, pain or dolor is often associated with inflammation that he called rubor and tumorムredness and swelling. Pain is often the consequence of activation of the inflammatory response.


The human body responds to infection and injury through a cascade of events that produce inflammation. Clinically, inflammation is manifested as the redness, swelling, loss of function and increased temperature associated with tissue injury. Biologically, inflammation involves numerous agents and protein-protein interactions within the body that ultimately cause tissue infiltration and loss of function. The inflammation cascade is specifically mediated by white blood cells, chemokines, cytokines and adhesion factors. Although numerous organs are affected by inflammation, these components play specific and unique roles in this complex inflammatory cascade. Although well characterized by decades of research, inflammation has yet to be fully understood with further pathways and biological components yet to be elucidated.

炎症は第一に人体を防御する責務を果たす一方、一連の炎症の過程における不適切な要因によって、病気や障害が引き起こされることも事実です。そういった病気の中には、自己免疫の病気(紅斑の多発性硬化症、リューマチ性関節炎、タイプI糖尿病、狼瘡) 心臓血管障害(血管形成再狭窄、閉塞バイパスの接続、移植性モヤモヤ病) その他の障害(繊維筋痛症、ぜんそく、炎症性の腸疾患、移植による拒絶反応) などが含まれます。これらの病気、障害は、器官の正常な機能を妨げようとする有害な影響をもたらし、結果として高額な医療出費に繋がります。

While inflammation is primarily responsible for protecting the body, several human disorders are caused by inappropriate triggering of the inflammatory cascade. Such disorders include autoimmune diseases (including multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, type I diabetes, lupus Erythematous) cardiovascular disorders (including angioplasty re-stenosis, by-pass graft occlusion, transplant vasculopathy) and other disorders (including Fibromyalgia, asthma, inflammatory bowel disease, transplant rejection). These disorders result in deleterious effects upon the human body that prevent normal organ function and lead to extensive healthcare costs.

Activation of the inflammatory process is related to prostaglandins and pro-inflammatory cytokines. In addition, activation and release of substance P produces pain.
Anatomically, there are numerous ascending excitatory and descending inhibitory pathways in pain signal transmission. Centralization (cephalad relocation in the central nervous system) of the pain signal generators occur spontaneously or after these neural pathways are interrupted, leading to pain syndromes. Advanced reflex sympathetic dystrophy, deafferentation pain, and phantom pain phenomenon are just a few examples.
Pain can be classified into five different types, i.e., visceral, somatic, referred, neuropathic, and psychogenic, according to their origins of pain signal generation. Pain syndromes result from different mixtures of these five types. In acute pain (predominantly nociceptive), visceral, somatic, and referred mechanisms play important roles in the pain perception. In chronic pain (frequently non-nociceptive), neuropathic and psychogenic mechanisms prevail, resulting in physical and mental suffering and disability.
These concepts indicate that pain is a complex phenomenon involving firing neurons, inflammation, release of neurotransmitters, and activation of brain centers. To reduce pain, firing neurons must be inhibited and inflammation controlled.

Targeted Cellular Technology and Theramine
Theramine is designed to influence the neurotransmitters that inhibit neuronal firing and reduce inflammation. Serotonin, GABA, and acetylcholine inhibit neuronal firing. Serine inhibits certain g-proteins of the opioid receptor resulting in activation of the opioid receptor. Nitric oxide has dual effects on pain; at low dose it inhibits pain by activation of nNOS while at high doses it exacerbates pain by activation of iNOS. Theramine provides L-arginine at low dose along with choline and L-glutamine to activate the NMDA and opioid receptors.
アセチルコリンは、副交感神経を活性化し、維持する神経伝達物質です。副交感神経システムが炎症サイトカインを抑制する一方、交感神経系の活性化は炎症サイトカインを活性化します。 アセチルコリン生産の増加はサブスタンスPを抑制します。L-ヒスチジンは、自然発生的な糖質コルチコイドの生産を促進する脳ヒスタミンを生産します。 糖質コルチコイドは、血管拡張作用を持つプロスタグランジン(Prostacyclines(プロスタサイクリン)とThromoxanes(トロンボキサン)の両方を含めて)の生産を妨げることで炎症を鎮めます。糖質コルチコイドは一酸化窒素を介して相乗的に作用します。従って、Theramineは、ASA(アセチルサリチル酸)とNSAIDs(非ステロイド抗炎症薬)の併用で、相乗して炎症を取り除くように設計されています。
Acetylcholine is the neurotransmitter that activates and maintains the parasympathetic nervous system. Activation of the sympathetic nervous system promotes pro-inflammatory cytokines while activation of the parasympathetic nervous system suppresses the pro-inflammatory cytokines. Increased acetylcholine production inhibits production of substance P. L-histidine produces brain histamine that promotes production of naturally occurring glucocorticoids. Glucocorticoids inhibit inflammation by blocking the production of the prostaglandins, including both prostacyclines and thromoxanes. The action of the glucocorticoids is synergistic with nitric oxide pathways. Thus, Theramine is designed to reduce inflammation and act synergistically with ASA and NSAIDs. Theramine is designed to inhibit neuronal firing of pain neurons and reduce inflammation.

Theramine and Clinical Testing
Testing of autonomic nervous system function has been performed on individuals taking Theramine with activation of parasympathetic function. Theramine has been tested in patients with Fibromyalgia, trigeminal neuralgia, back pain, headache, osteoarthritis, tendonitis, and the post herpetic neuropathic pain. Independent published clinical trials show that low dose arginine reduces pain.

Pain and Nutritional Deficiency
Pain disorders are associated with a deficiency of nitric oxide, GABA, serotonin, and acetylcholine precursors. Pain is also associated with insensitivity to circulating GABA.

Theramine Dosage
Theramine can taken one to four times daily, and the usual dosage is two capsules. Theramine can also be used with a low dose of aspirin or NSAID given once daily.

Theramine and Drugs
In patients taking pharmaceutical agents to relieve pain, it is suggested that the medication dosage may be reduced gradually, as tolerated. If pain relief is obtained with the combination, the drug should be slowly tapered under medical supervision.

Side Effects
The side effect profile of Theramine is comparable to the rate of food intolerance in the community. The ingredients of Theramine are derived from plant-based compounds found in the normal food chain. Food intolerance is an adverse reaction to food that does not involve the body's immune system. These reactions are called "pharmacologic reactions" because the culprit substances behave like drugs, possibly acting on the nervous system. In adults, this reaction is far more common than true food allergy and is rare. Theramine does not cause fatigue or somnolence.

The scientific information in this journal is educational and is not be used as a substitute for a doctor's care or for proven therapy.
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